【問題】reframing synonym ?推薦回答

關於「reframing synonym」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

14 Synonyms & Antonyms for REFRAME | Thesaurus.com。

Find 14 ways to say REFRAME, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.: 。

35 Synonyms of REFRAMING - Merriam-Webster。

Synonyms for REFRAMING: redrafting, reformulating, assembling, compounding, piecing (together), building, constructing, making, conceiving, concocting.: 。

Reframe Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com。

Reframe definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!: 。

Sindicador de canales de noticias | Page 155 | Campus Virtual de ...。

REFRAMING 70:20:10, THE ANATOMY OF WORKFLOW LEARNING LEARNNOVATORS | WEDNESDAY, ... Importance of Using APA Format in Research Papers | Synonym E-LEARNING ...。

[PDF] Applying science of learning in education: Infusing psychological ...。

This expanded definition of prior knowledge raises two questions: how can faculty members ... Improving working memory efficiency by reframing metacognitive.。

[PDF] S3 Practice Guideline Methamphetamine-related Disorders。

8.1 Statement of the problem, definition, goals . ... (cognitive restructuring, reframing, disputation, development of rational alternatives) up to.。

[PDF] Practical relevance of software engineering research ... - arXiv。

2.2.4 Our definition of practical relevance for SE research . ... We also believe that most non-peer-reviewed grey literature (GL) materials,.。

junior subjective synonym: Topics by Science.gov。

Dade County Board of Public Instruction, Miami, FL. GRADES OR AGES: Junior high school ... Leveraging Paraphrase Labels to Extract Synonyms from Twitter.。

[PDF] Sharing Economy: Exploring social media and bibliometric evidence。

Appendix 10- Evolution of terms regarding sharing economy on Twitter ( ... close synonyms regarding new social-economical phenomenon: “gift economy” (Cheal,.。

[PDF] Strategic Cognition of Social Media in Business-Customer ... - econstor。

Reframing social media implies that managers convert a dominant perception of social ... media' appears six times more often than any other synonym, ...

常見reframing synonym問答